Burning In The Mouth
Dry mouth can be caused by various factors. Circumstances
physiological such as exercising, talking too long, breathing through the mouth, stress
can cause dry mouth complaints (Haskell and Gayford, 1990; Sonis
et al, 1995). Causes The most important unknown is a disturbance in the
salivary glands that can lead to decreased production of saliva, such as radiation
on the neck and head, localized disease on salivary glands and others (AI-
Saif, 1991; Haskell and Gayford, 1990; Glass et al, 1984; Amerongan, 1991; Sonis
et al, 1995).
In Table 1 listed the factors that play a role as the cause of
complaints of dry mouth.
Factors that cause dry mouth complaints.
Radiation to the neck and head area
Disturbance! Okal on salivary gland
Side effects of medicines
Fever, diarrhea, diabetes, kidney failure
Exercise, stress
Breathing through the mouth
Abnormalities of nerve
The neck and chest radiation
Radiation therapy in head and neck area for cancer treatment has
shown to cause damage to the structure of salivary glands with various
the degree of damage to the salivary glands are affected by radiotherapy. This is shown
with the reduced volume of saliva (Al-Saif, 1991; Glass et al, 1980; Amerongan,
1991; Sonis et al, 1995). The number and severity of salivary gland tissue damage
depending on the dose and duration of irradiation (Table 2) (Amerongan, 1991).
The relationship between radiation dose and salivary secretion
(Amerongan, 1991).
<10 Gray
10 -15 Gray
15 -40 Gray
> 40 Gray
Reduction of salivary secretion is not fixed
Hiposialia which clearly can be shown
Reduction is still ongoing, reversible
Irreversible destruction of glandular tissue
Hiposialia irreversible
Effect of radiation over much of the salivary gland cells of serous asini
compared with salivary gland
mucus (AI-Saif, 1991; Regezi and
Sciubba, 1995; Amerongan, 1991). Rate changes in salivary glands after radiation
namely: for a few days, there was inflammation of the salivary glands, after one week
parenchymal shrinkage occurs resulting in the downsizing of salivary glands and
blockage (Lukman, 1992).
In addition to the reduced volume of saliva, other changes occur in saliva,
where the viscosity becomes more viscous and sticky, the pH will fall and Ig secretion
A reduced (Amerongan, 1991; Sonis et al, 1995; Rege7: i and Sciubba, 1995).
The time required to restore the salivary secretion rate
become normal again depending on the individual and the dose of radiation that has been
received (if AI-Sa, 1991; Kidd and Bechal, 1992).
Disorders of the salivary glands.
There are some certain local diseases that affect the salivary glands and
leads to reduced salivary flow. Sialodenitis more common chronic
affects the submandibular and parotid glands. The disease causes
asini degeneration of cells and blockage of the ducts (if AI-Sa, 1991).
Cysts and salivary gland tumors, both benign and malignant can
led to an emphasis on structures and ducts of the salivary glands
thus affect salivary secretion (if AI-Sa, 1991; Kidd and
Bechal, 1992).
Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune connective tissue disease that can
affects the tear glands and salivary glands. Asini cells of salivary gland
damaged by infiltrating lymphocytes so that secretion is reduced (Al-Saif, 1991; Kidd
and Bechal, 1992; Haskell and Gayford, 1990; Sonis et al, 1995).
General health is impaired.
In people who suffer from diseases that cause
dehydration such as fever, prolonged diarrhea, diabetes, chronic renal failure and
Other systemic conditions can experience a reduction in salivary flow (Al-Saif, 1991;
Amerongan, 1991). This is caused due to an interruption in the regulation
water and elektralit, followed by the occurrence of a negative water balance
cause a decline in salivary secretion (Amerongan, 1991).
In diabetics, reduced by a factor of salivary drpengaruhi
angiopathy and diabetic neuropathy, changes in the parotid gland and because
severe polyuria (Scully and Cawsan, 1993; Sidabutar et al 1992) Patients with failed
Chronic renal decline in output. To keep the fluid balance
fluid intake is maintained pertu dibatasr. Restriction of fluid intake will
causes decreased salivary flow and saliva becomes thick (Scully and
Cawson, 1993; Sidabutar et al, 1992).
These diseases usually cause respiratory infections in the mouth feel
dry. On top of rnfeksi respiration, nasal blockage that occurs
causing the patient to breathe through the mouth (Haskell and Gayford, 1990).
Penqqunaan drugs.
Lots of drugs that mempengaruhr secretion sativa. Pacta Tabet 1
included a group of drugs that can cause mouth
Drugs that cause dry mouth (Kidd and)
Bechal, 1992; Amerongan, 1991; Glass et al, 1984)
- Analgesic mixtures
- Anticonvulsants
- Antiemetics
- Antihistamins
- Antihypertensives
- Antinauseants
- Antiparkinsons
- Antipruritics
- Cold medications
- Diuretics
- Decongentans
- Expectorants
- Muscle relaxants
- Psycho Tropics drugs
- Sedatives
- Antispasmodics
These drugs affect the salivary flow by mimicking the action of the system
autonomic nerves or by acting directly on the cellular processes that
required for salivation. The drugs also can indirectly
affect saliva by changing the fluid and electrolyte balance or
by affecting blood flow to the gland (if AI-Sa: 1991).
FisioloQis circumstances.
Salivary flow rate is usually influenced by physiological conditions.
At the time of exercise, speaking of time can cause reduced
salivary flow so that the mouth feels dry (Al-Saif, 1991; Haskell and Gayford, 1990).
Breathing through the mouth will also give the effect of dry mouth (Haskell and
Gayford, 1990; Sonis et al, 1995)
Emotional disorders, such as stress, despair and fear can
cause dry mouth. This is due to the emotional state
stimulate the sympathetic influence of the autonomic nervous system and
blocking the parasympathetic system which cause a decline in salivary secretion
(Haskell and Gayford, 1990).
Of age.
Complaints of dry mouth is often found in elderly. This situation is
caused by the presence of atrophic changes in the salivary gland in accordance with
increased age which will decrease the production of saliva
composition is slightly (Kidd and Bechal, 1992; Sonis et al, 1995).
and change
Along with increasing age, the aging process occurs. There is a change
and the decline of salivary gland function, which lost the gland parenchyma
replaced by fat and connective tissue, the cells lining the ducts of intermediate
experiencing atrophy. This situation resulted in a reduction of salivary flow
(Pedersen and Loe, 1986; Sonis et al, 1995). In addition, systemic diseases
suffered a pad of old age and drugs used for treatment
Systemic diseases can give the effect of dry mouth in the elderly
(Ernawati, 1997).
Other circumstances.
Agenesis of the salivary gland are very rare, but sometimes there
patients with complaints of dry mouth from birth. Results sialograf
indicate the presence of a large defect of the salivary glands (Haskell and Gayford,
Neurological disorder that followed the symptoms of degeneration, such as multiple sclerosis will
innervasi salivary glands results in loss of, damage to the parenchyma
glands and ducts, or damage to the salivary glands of blood supply can also be
reduce the secretion of saliva (AI-Saif, 1991).
Lately it has been reported that AIDS patients also experience
dry mouth, because radiation therapy to reduce discomfort
Kaposi's sarcoma can cause intra-oral salivary gland dysfunction (AI-Sa if,
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