Sialadenitis The sialadenitis caused by salivary stones, wedged in the salivary gland. These salivary stones are mainly composed of calcium phosphate and carbonate. The saliva can not drain and accumulates in the gland.''
This is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses that can cause inflammation. To salivary stones occur due to changes in salivary composition or pre-existing conditions, which involve a narrowing of the salivary duct with it, such as cystic fibrosis and mumps. Many patients also have renal and / or gallstones. The sialadenitis manifests itself by swelling, redness, pain and possibly fever. In order to treat the infection, the physician prescribes antibiotics.
The salivary stone is removed surgically or otherwise. In 80% of cases the salivary gland inflammation on one side. Most people are between 30 and 50th Affected age. In Germany, approximately 5,000 people are diagnosed with salivary stones. Salivary stones are formed primarily in the major salivary glands, which produce daily about 1.5 to 2 liters of saliva. Usually the submandibular gland is affected. In parotid and sublingual gland incurs less salivary stones. ''
Causes of sialadenitis
Usually, there is a salivary gland inflammation due to salivary stones. The stone blocks the salivary duct, which can desisted not the saliva. Jammed in saliva leads to inflammation, caused by viruses or bacteria that proliferate in this secretion. Of salivary stones can scars, lesions and tumors have the same effect. Stomatitis (stomatitis), salivary flow-reducing medications (such as antihistamines, oral heart disease and depression, as well as dehydrating agent) or poor oral hygiene can promote sialadenitis also. Diseases, which are narrow, the salivary glands, inter alia, mumps, the cytomegalovirus and Coxsackie A virus. Rarely occurs salivary gland inflammation due to autoimmune diseases and Kollagenossen.'' Symptoms and signs In the salivary gland inflammation, there is usually one-sided swelling and pain of the affected gland. The salivary gland is hard and often occurs due to inflammation of the fever. For mumps, this can be on both sides. About swollen gland skin that is red and compared to ambient temperature warmer. When eating to increase the pain, because more saliva is formed, which can not flow and increases the pressure even more. It can cause pus leaking into the mouth. There is an inflammation of the parotid gland, so chewing is usually painful. The chewing muscles and jaw joints are close, which is why sometimes the mouth is opened is impossible.
Diagnosis and treatment in a sialadenitis
First scans the otolaryngologist from the affected area, which can already be emptied pus.'' Of these, a swab is taken, the laboratory techniques will be investigated in order to detect the pathogen can. Also examined the doctor about other sites of inflammation in the mouth.'' In addition to the smear may also shed light on a blood sample inflammation. To Salivary stones can reliably detect ultrasound is the safest method. It can be found in rocks from a size of 1.5 mm to almost 100%. Moreover, it is possible other diseases, such as to exclude an abscess or tumor. In a few cases, other methods are necessary. These include MRI, endoscopy of the salivary duct, a CT scan or a fine needle aspiration to remove tissue. In certain cases, the physician decides on a Sialgraphie wherein one opacifying liquid is injected into the salivary duct. It spreads in the endocrine system and supplies with the help of X-rays more accurate results over obstacles, such as stones and strictures.'' If it is a bacterial infection, so the doctor prescribes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications. To help speed up the healing soft diet, plenty of fluids, cooling envelopes and proper oral hygiene. It is advisable to stimulate the flow of saliva. This can be done by acid gum, juice or candy. These so-called salivary Locker stimulate saliva production, which the salivary glands are cleaned. This can even carry a stone from the gland. If an abscess has formed in the salivary duct, it must be split, so that the pus can drain. There is suspicion of a tumor, then the salivary glands are removed. When salivary stones depends the therapeutic measure of size and location.'' The stone is near the glands output, shall suffice Gangschlitzung or massages to transport the stone outside. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is used for salivary stones, which are up to eight millimeters wide and deep in the ducts are. These ultrasonic waves are directed to the saliva stone, whereby this divided into concrements and can be transported with the saliva flow outwards. With stones that are larger than eight millimeters or is located too deep in the breast tissue always advised to make a surgical removal of the gland. This requires a hospital stay of about a week.''
Course and Prognosis
The sialadenitis not treated in time, it can lead to an abscess. If this breaks, it can drain the pus out or in the neck area. This can lead to further infection through to blood poisoning. Salivary glands occur on chronic inflammation, scar tissue, which can hardly even saliva produced. Antibiotic treatment by a salivary gland inflammation usually heals completely. Is a gland removed, then this has no effect on the flow of saliva. This is taken from the other glands. In very rare cases, during surgery to damage to a facial nerve or to a facial paralysis.''
Preventing a sialadenitis
Was a salivary stone diagnosed, it should be removed absolutely necessary so that in the course no sialadenitis arises. Adequate oral hygiene and Flüssigekeitsaufnahme help prevent inflammation. Sour chewing gum, candy and drinks promote the flow of saliva, which the glands are '
Large Submandibular Gland Removal Under GA
TAG: Sialadenitis,Diagnosis and treatment in a sialadenitis, Course and Prognosis sialadenitis,Symptoms and signs sialadenitis,Causes of sialadenitis,
Causes of sialadenitis
Usually, there is a salivary gland inflammation due to salivary stones. The stone blocks the salivary duct, which can desisted not the saliva. Jammed in saliva leads to inflammation, caused by viruses or bacteria that proliferate in this secretion. Of salivary stones can scars, lesions and tumors have the same effect. Stomatitis (stomatitis), salivary flow-reducing medications (such as antihistamines, oral heart disease and depression, as well as dehydrating agent) or poor oral hygiene can promote sialadenitis also. Diseases, which are narrow, the salivary glands, inter alia, mumps, the cytomegalovirus and Coxsackie A virus. Rarely occurs salivary gland inflammation due to autoimmune diseases and Kollagenossen.'' Symptoms and signs In the salivary gland inflammation, there is usually one-sided swelling and pain of the affected gland. The salivary gland is hard and often occurs due to inflammation of the fever. For mumps, this can be on both sides. About swollen gland skin that is red and compared to ambient temperature warmer. When eating to increase the pain, because more saliva is formed, which can not flow and increases the pressure even more. It can cause pus leaking into the mouth. There is an inflammation of the parotid gland, so chewing is usually painful. The chewing muscles and jaw joints are close, which is why sometimes the mouth is opened is impossible.
Diagnosis and treatment in a sialadenitis
First scans the otolaryngologist from the affected area, which can already be emptied pus.'' Of these, a swab is taken, the laboratory techniques will be investigated in order to detect the pathogen can. Also examined the doctor about other sites of inflammation in the mouth.'' In addition to the smear may also shed light on a blood sample inflammation. To Salivary stones can reliably detect ultrasound is the safest method. It can be found in rocks from a size of 1.5 mm to almost 100%. Moreover, it is possible other diseases, such as to exclude an abscess or tumor. In a few cases, other methods are necessary. These include MRI, endoscopy of the salivary duct, a CT scan or a fine needle aspiration to remove tissue. In certain cases, the physician decides on a Sialgraphie wherein one opacifying liquid is injected into the salivary duct. It spreads in the endocrine system and supplies with the help of X-rays more accurate results over obstacles, such as stones and strictures.'' If it is a bacterial infection, so the doctor prescribes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications. To help speed up the healing soft diet, plenty of fluids, cooling envelopes and proper oral hygiene. It is advisable to stimulate the flow of saliva. This can be done by acid gum, juice or candy. These so-called salivary Locker stimulate saliva production, which the salivary glands are cleaned. This can even carry a stone from the gland. If an abscess has formed in the salivary duct, it must be split, so that the pus can drain. There is suspicion of a tumor, then the salivary glands are removed. When salivary stones depends the therapeutic measure of size and location.'' The stone is near the glands output, shall suffice Gangschlitzung or massages to transport the stone outside. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is used for salivary stones, which are up to eight millimeters wide and deep in the ducts are. These ultrasonic waves are directed to the saliva stone, whereby this divided into concrements and can be transported with the saliva flow outwards. With stones that are larger than eight millimeters or is located too deep in the breast tissue always advised to make a surgical removal of the gland. This requires a hospital stay of about a week.''
Course and Prognosis
The sialadenitis not treated in time, it can lead to an abscess. If this breaks, it can drain the pus out or in the neck area. This can lead to further infection through to blood poisoning. Salivary glands occur on chronic inflammation, scar tissue, which can hardly even saliva produced. Antibiotic treatment by a salivary gland inflammation usually heals completely. Is a gland removed, then this has no effect on the flow of saliva. This is taken from the other glands. In very rare cases, during surgery to damage to a facial nerve or to a facial paralysis.''
Preventing a sialadenitis
Was a salivary stone diagnosed, it should be removed absolutely necessary so that in the course no sialadenitis arises. Adequate oral hygiene and Flüssigekeitsaufnahme help prevent inflammation. Sour chewing gum, candy and drinks promote the flow of saliva, which the glands are '
Large Submandibular Gland Removal Under GA
TAG: Sialadenitis,Diagnosis and treatment in a sialadenitis, Course and Prognosis sialadenitis,Symptoms and signs sialadenitis,Causes of sialadenitis,
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