Without realizing it, some people sometimes think "lightly" canker sores and other oral diseases, such as bad breath and bleeding gums to the teeth missing.
Without realizing it, some people sometimes think "lightly" canker sores and other oral diseases, such as bad breath and bleeding gums to the teeth missing. In fact, recent studies indicate a strong link between the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity with other serious diseases, like diabetes, heart attacks, blood infections, up to about babies with insufficient weight Gingivitis is recognized to be a major factor cases of teeth and tooth supporting tissue damage. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 30 percent of Americans suffer from gingivitis to periodontitis levels, while one in five people suffer from canker sores or mild gingivitis.
No wonder that in 2005 some 500 million Americans regularly to the dentist. Means, necessary funds around 84 billion dollars a year. That's according to estimates the American Dental Association (ADA). More than that, every year, as many as 28,000 U.S. citizens affected by cancer of the mouth and throat. Approximately 7200 of them died.
The problem that bothered Dr. Jean Connor, dental experts from Cambridge, Massachusetts, who was elected as Chairman of the U.S. Association of Dental Health. According to him, gingivitis is suspected to contribute significantly to the "damage" the overall health condition via the bloodstream.
So, if your finger infection and you do nothing, the old-old (infection) would affect the entire body. So also with the mouth, "said Dr. Connor told the media health Health Day, Saturday (14/10)." Gum disease or oral bacteria that produce enormous. So, if there is a problem in your heart valves, the bacteria will invade and cause infection of the heart, "he said.
Recent CDC study showed that the risk of heart attack and stroke is increased in patients with gingivitis and oral cavity, with berbeda.Selain keakutanyang level, the link between gum disease and diabetes are increasingly apparent. Generally contracted gingivitis diabetics at a higher level, namely periodontal. Therefore, CDC is examining the possibility of reciprocal of this case. That is, the likelihood being sought treat diabetics with more control of gingivitis.
The opinion was strengthened Dr Diann Bomkamp, dental experts from St. Louis, USA, who is also Vice Chairman of the U.S. Association of Dental Health. Blood infection caused by inflammation of the gums can also cause failure of the operation "merging". In a sense, blood infections will strengthen the body's attempt to reject the incorporation of artificial implants.
He stressed, women who have problems with inflammation of the gums two times more likely to give birth prematurely. In particular, the case is less weight to infected infants. "If you happen to be pregnant and suffering from gingivitis, there is the possibility of pregnancy and the birth of your baby's later problems," he said.
Sprue by many to be known as the wounds on the mucous membranes in the mouth area. Generally sores in the mouth area is not deep. If not accompanied by complications due to infection by more virulent bacteria, canker sores will heal sendiritanpa former (Reuters June 5, 1994). The infection usually begins with the appearance of fluid-filled bubbles in the mouth. These bubbles can rupture and form a wound that will feel pain.
In certain cases, thrush can also be regarded as one indication of oral cancer, so far never recovered and never hilangdari mouth (Kompas 21 November 2004). Even so, the certainty that the results depend on the doctors performed a biopsy.
Full of bacteria
Data at the U.S. National Institutes of Health showed that gingivitis disease is triggered by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth due to neglect of oral health and hygiene. Together with mucus and other particles, these bacteria continue to form a sticky plaque and colorless in the surrounding teeth. If not cleaned regularly, plaque is too long will develop into "tartar" that will not disappear simply by brushing your teeth.
The longer plaque and "tartar" sit on the teeth, the bacteria will cause a mild inflammation of the gums called ginggivitis. Gums will be colored red, swollen, and bleed easily, but does not damage the bone supporting the teeth or dental tissue. At this level, with enough medication regularly and thoroughly cleaned.
Even so, if left unchecked, this mild inflammation can develop into "periodontitis". That is, the inflammation around the tooth. At this stage of gum chipped teeth and form pockets of infection. As a result, the immune system to fight against the bacterial decay over widespread and growing plaque around the gums.
Bacterial toxins and enzymes the body will continue to hamper the actual infection has begun to destroy the bone and tissue supporting the teeth. If not addressed, bone teeth, gums, teeth and supporting tissues are destroyed. The teeth will soon be dated or revoked.
Gingivitis usually appear until the age of 30 to 40 years old. Generally gingivitis periodontitis on levels of more attacking men. Although teenagers rarely affected by inflammation of the gums, many of them suffer ginggivitis.
There are several factors that can cause gingivitis. Among other things, smoking, hormonal changes in women, diabetes, stress, cancer, AIDS, genetic factors, malnutrition, and drugs. Some drugs, like antidepressants and some heart medications, can cause inflammation of the gums due to reduced flow of saliva which actually has a protective effect on teeth and gums. Now!
Soda water and a toothbrush
In addition to severe factors such as stress, hormonal changes, diabetes, and genetics, inflammation of the gums can occur because of a mild, such as sugary foods, soda water, and tobacco. And there's no other way to get more clues to solve cases of inflammation of the gums and mouth sores, unless properly brush your teeth, regular, and comprehensive ....
Therefore, there is no better way than to prevent the occurrence of thrush or inflammation of the gums. At least the suggestion of Dr. Diann Bomkamp, dental health experts from St. Louis, USA. Prevention should be done when someone found her gums reddish, swollen, and feels a little soft. This was coupled with the teeth began to ache, bad breath odor, and the gums bleed easily when brushed.
According Bomkamp, caring for and cleaning your teeth regularly and properly should be offset by avoiding or limiting the consumption of sugary foods and soda water. "We often see people who consume soft drinks or soda for breakfast, then drink it all day. Although 'diet soda', sodas still contain acids that can damage teeth and gums," said Bomkamp.
Citing data from the CDC, he emphasized the importance of each person to limit the amount of intake of sweet foods. "They also must keep in mind that the five-day recommendation for fruits and vegetables that contain high fiber are also very good for oral and dental health. According to him, eating fruits and vegetables high in fiber will facilitate the circulation of saliva. Consequently, the remineralization of tooth surfaces will be very helpful that can prevent early thinning the teeth. "
More than that, Bomkamp strongly emphasizes the importance of parents do not share drinks with young children, especially if the parents are suffering from gingivitis. "In fact, when we blew cold food so fast in front of the small, it can distribute oral bacteria to the child's parents," he said.
Another thing that should be avoided, further Bomkamp, is tobacco. "Smokers are seven times more likely than mild gingivitis to periodontitis," he said. "Avoiding tobacco is the best way," said Bomkamp.
In addition to factors such as dietary advice and treatment through medical Bomkamp, several parties underlined the importance of herbal medicine systems. In a note Compass, there are several types of plants and foliage in Indonesia are commonly used to overcome the thrush or gum inflammation, such as betel leaf (Piper betle), sage leaves telik (Abrus precatorius), cashew cashew (Anacardium occidentale), cucumber (Cucumis sativus ), and palm juice (Arenga pinnata Mer).
Even so, toothbrush remains the most important element. In a sense, simply brushing your teeth twice a day as brushing your teeth too often it will damage tooth enamel. Recommendations were also made using a fluffy brush and brush your teeth carefully, not haphazard and brief.
Additionally, use the brush to fit the mouth to allow cleaning up the entire corner of the mouth and teeth. Good luck!
The best cure for gingivitis thaoduocsucmiengyentu.vn